Our mission


Do you want to pursue a challenging and exciting career? The “Centre de Stomothérapie du Québec” is the place for you. With ostomates and future ostomates, your contribution will be more than appreciation and you will make great use of your skills. Surrounded by a stable and passionate team of professionals, you will have the opportunity to redefine yourself and to identify yourself to them.


You can send us your resume at any time, even if there is no job that matches your profile at this time.

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Enterostomal Therapy

composed of 4 clinical fields

What is Enterostomal Therapy?

Ostomy therapy is the mastery of technical knowledge and principles of the helping relationship, which will allow the ostomy person to regain his autonomy after the intervention, in order to resume a personal, family, professional and social life as normal as possible.

The qualified professionals are the nurses ostomotherapists nurses and can intervene in these clinical fields.

The purpose of an ostomy is to divert the discharge of urine or faeces by using other routes than the natural routes.

Our mission consists of helping our customers and their family members accept their new situation in a progressive, yet, positive way

by providing care, support services, indispensable medical products and information, all this, with the purpose of maintaining their autonomy, dignity, self esteem and ultimately a desired quality of lifestyle.

Our categories of products

As a one-stop shop in ostomy therapy, the Center is a multi-service concept that brings together different health professionals under one roof, as well as a specialized boutique. Our team aims to support and assist people struggling with incontinence, people with ostomy or in the process of getting it, as well as all people with specific needs for medical supplies.